Pigeon (Kingston Bridge), oil, 14x18" / 35x45cm (top lit view)

Kingston Bridge oil (Pigeon)

Another oil and back to the river. I last did a river oil all the way back in July, at Canbury Gardens, then only the 2nd plein-air oil I’d done. How far I have come since then! I wanted to study the river and the sky, that interplay…quite difficult on such a moody day, although my experience with painting various ponds helped, but that isn’t moving water in the same way.

Pigeon (Kingston Bridge), oil, 14x18
Pigeon (Kingston Bridge), oil, 14×18″ / 35x45cm

And follows the bird theme – a pigeon came and posed, but only long enough for me to start and then of course it flapped off. Unlike the previous swan, duck and parakeet who did pose for me for a long time.

It turns out pigeons make bad life models.

P.S. I’d totally forgotten that I’d done this exact scene before as a watercolour back in the spring – you can compare and contrast the trees and the light.

Pigeon (Kingston Bridge), oil, 14x18
Pigeon (Kingston Bridge), oil, 14×18″ / 35x45cm (top lit view)


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