Tag: Impressionism

  • Sunflowers, Irises and Sensory Gardens

    Sunflowers, Irises and Sensory Gardens

    Going full Van Gogh with this selection – I mean me? Painting Sunflowers and Irises? With my VG Standom? As i found they aren’t easy to paint or draw, but the real reason for painting and drawing these is that The Friends of Queen Promenade have stepped up and planted some amazing things on Queen’s…

  • Skyscapes


    When I was an art student in the 90’s you’d expect me to have been into Hirts and all that, but I actually was just as much into Monet’s Haystacks and the skyscapes and oil sketches of John Constable. The latter, especially his Cloud Studies and Skyscapes left a very big mark on my psyche…