Tag: Sandy Denny

  • Abstract Advent: Week 2

    Abstract Advent: Week 2

    Last week was a blast, this week for the Abstract Advent the Christmas Shit™ started to bite, and I found it harder to juggle meeting up with people, portrait sessions, getting all the cards and parcels off in a panic because like storms, flooding, wrong kind of wind, snow and ice on the roads as…

  • Inktober 52 #27-#35 – Inkover

    Inktober 52 #27-#35 – Inkover

    I have delayed posting these as I feel like it’s to accept defeat but these are the last of the Inktober 52 I’ve finished. What defeated me wasn’t time nor will, I am stubborn and I like to finish things and I finished my first and last proper Inktober at great effort last year. But…